Toilet Paper Could Hide a Cancer Warning Sign, Doc Says

Toilet paper containing red ink could disguise a dangerous medical condition, one doctor believes.

Paper that is decorated with pictures or designs that include red ink could look bloody when wet, and traces of red blood in the toilet are one of the most common signs of colon cancer, colorectal surgeon Dr. Guy Nash of Poole Hospital, in England, wrote in a letter published Jan. 15 in the journal BMJ Case Reports.

Toilet Paper
“Those patients bleeding will miss real blood, and those not bleeding will report ‘blood’ in the toilet mistakenly,” Nash said.

Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, develops in the cells that line the large intestine (colon) or rectum. The condition caused about 50,000 deaths in the United States in 2013, according to the National Cancer Institute, and many people suffer few symptoms early on. [10 Do’s and Don’ts to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer]

Nash said he saw what looked like blood in his own toilet, but it turned out to be red hearts adorning the bathroom tissue. He said manufacturers and the public should be aware of this risk.

“In my view, it is irresponsible of the makers to have not considered this,” Nash told LiveScience in an email, adding that inks of other colors would not create this difficulty.

Not all medical professionals view it as a concern, however.

“I think it’s nonsense,” said Dr. David Bernstein, a gastroenterologist at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y. Bernstein said he has never seen a patient who confused colored toilet paper with signs of colon cancer.

“If someone sees blood, they should call their doctor, not panic, and have it appropriately evaluated,” Nash said. He also said healthy people should have regular colonoscopies, which are widely recommended as a screening tool for colorectal cancer.

Bloody stool is much more commonly associated with hemorrhoids than colon cancer, both doctors said. Other causes could include an anal fissure, diverticular disease or colitis.

And red toilet paper isn’t the only thing people may mistake for blood. Nash said some of his patients report bleeding that turns out to be beetroot eaten three days earlier.


Vitamin D Reduces Pain in People with Fibromyalgia

Taking vitamin D supplements may alleviate chronic pain in people with fibromyalgia who have low levels of the vitamin, according to a new study from Austria.

Patients with fibromyalgia syndrome suffer from chronic, body-wide muscle and joint pain, and fatigue. Previous studies have pointed to the possible role of vitamin D in the perception of chronic pain.

Vitamin D
In the new study, researchers studied whether raising patients’ vitamin D levels to the recommended range would help with some of their symptoms. Thirty patients with fibromyalgia who also had low levels of vitamin D in their blood (below 32 nanograms per milliliter) were randomly assigned to take either oral vitamin D supplements, or a placebo, for 20 weeks.

Weeks after the treatment ended, patients who took the supplements were still experiencing reduced pain, while people who had taken placebo didn’t see a change in their pain level, according to the study, published today (Jan. 17) in the journal Pain.

“Vitamin D supplementation may be regarded as a relatively safe and economical treatment” for people with fibromyalgia,” said study researcher Dr. Florian Wepner, an orthopedist at the Orthopaedic Hospital Speising in Vienna.

However, the vitamin is not a cure for the condition, Wepner said. Fibromyalgia “cannot be explained by a vitamin D deficiency alone,” he said. And although the patients who took vitamin D saw reductions in their pain, there were no significant changes in their depression or anxiety symptoms.

Fibromyalgia affects about 2 percent of the U.S. population, and is more common in women than in men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. No treatments are available that address all symptoms of the condition, but some symptoms may be alleviated by physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and temporary drug therapy.

Vitamin D is present in very few foods, but is produced by the skin after exposure to ultraviolet rays from sunlight. It can be found in fortified foods, such as milk, orange juice and cereals as well. Too much vitamin D has its risks, too — it can cause damage to the heart and kidneys. [9 Good Sources of Disease-Fighter Vitamin D]

Low levels of vitamin D are especially common in patients with severe pain and fibromyalgia, the researchers said.

“Vitamin D levels should be monitored regularly in fibromyalgia patients, especially in the winter season, and raised appropriately,” Wepner said.


New Genital Herpes Treatment Shows Promise

A new drug appears to combat the virus that causes genital herpes, suggesting it could one day be used as a treatment for people with the condition, according to a new study.

In study medical, the drug pritelivir reduced the replication of herpes simplex virus type 2 (which causes genital herpes) in patients with the condition, as well as the number of days patients experienced genital lesions.

Genital Herpes
Those who took 75 milligrams of the drug each day for about a month experienced viral shedding (which indicates the virus is active and replicating in the body) on just 2.1 percent of days, compared to 16.6 percent of days in those who took a placebo.

And those who took pritelivir at this dose experienced genital lesions on just 1.2 percent of days, compared with 9 percent of days for those who took a placebo.

More studies are needed to further assess the effectiveness of pritelivir, and compare it with existing drugs for genital herpes, the researchers said.

The new findings are good news, said Dr. Richard Whitley, a professor of pediatric infectious diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, who was not involved in the study. “This is the first drug in 30 years that has a different mechanism of action” than existing drugs, Whitley said.

New treatments for genital herpes are needed because current drugs do not work well for certain complications of genital herpes, including brain infections, and infections that can occur in babies who contract the virus at birth, Whitley said.

And while current drugs reduce symptoms, they don’t eliminate them, and they only partly reduce the risk of spreading herpes through sexual activity, said study researcher Dr. Anna Wald, a professor of allergy and infectious diseases at the University of Washington School of Public Health in Seattle.

“There’s clearly room for improvement” with genital herpes drugs, Wald said.

Wald noted that older drugs are active only in cells that are infected with the herpes virus.

“That’s one of the reason why the drugs are so safe. But [it] may limit the efficacy of the drug,” Wald said. On the other hand, pritelivir is active even in cells unaffected by the virus.

In rare cases, people with immune system problems have developed resistance to the current drugs used to treat herpes. Alternative drugs for genital herpes could offer a solution to this problem, Whitley said.

No serious side effects linked to pritelivir were seen in the current study, which looked at 156 people.

However, in May last year, the Food and Drug Administration placed development of pritelivir on hold because high doses of the drug given to monkeys were linked with toxic effects. Researchers are  investigating the cause of these toxic effects.

Whitley said he suspects the hold will be lifted, and studies in people can continue.

The study was funded by AiCuris, the pharmaceutical company that is developing pritelivir.


Rice Bran Oil can Help Reduce Cholesterol

Rice bran oil is the oil extracted from the oily layer in between the paddy husk and the white rice(polished rice). It is nutritionally superior edible oil providing immense benefits for the heart and general health which is one reason why the Japanese call it the ‘heart oil’, Diabetic Living India magazine reported.

Rice Bran Oil can Help Reduce Cholesterol

According to human clinical studies conducted in the University of Lowell, the oil has significantly better cholesterol lowering properties compared to other popular oils. Scientists have attributed this to presence of Oryzanol in the oil.


Five Things to Avoid at Work

Nothing stays hidden on the Web for long, so, here are five things you should avoid at all costs if you want to stay employed.

Five Things to Avoid at Work

  1. Never save your online passwords on a work computer as the office can access your work computer. So while surfing the net, use your browser’s privacy mode and avoid saving passwords of your personal accounts, Fox News reported.
  2. You should also refrain from circulating inappropriate emails and instant messages as anything in writing, stays in the record and can be traced back to you.
  3. Avoid taking selfies while at work and posting it online, as you might end up sharing more than you planned and in case of a mishap, you may be asked to pay a fine or be asked to serve jail time.
  4. Also, your identity can be revealed even if you post “anonymous” reviews or comments, so keep away from doing that, especially from your work computer.
  5. In the current day and age, it has become easier than ever for an employer to track down gaps and inconsistencies in your work history or medical education, so never lie on your resume.


Study Tips: How to Stay Focused?

Here are some simple study tips to help you stay focused:

1. Set study goals
First things first; start with the basics and set your study goals. Ask yourself why you are here, at best universities, possibly (like me) having travelled across the world for this opportunity. Having fun is certainly one answer, but not the primary one. Knowing your objectives completes half the job.


2. Make a study timetable
Once you know what you want, the next step is to prepare a weekly study timetable. Set a routine for everything. Your timetable could include the time you should go to bed, the time you should have your meals, and – most importantly – the time you should spend on studies. There is no hard and fast rule and you should of course allow some flexibility depending on how things go. But establishing a routine is essential, and do try to stick to your study Guide as best as you can.

3. Learn to say no
Now, I am not asking you to give up all your social activities, but you have to take some bold steps. If you dine out daily, it is better to limit this to one day per week, which will help you save some money as well. If you go to the cinema every week, try to cut down to once a fortnight. If someone is asking you to accompany them to hang out at the mall when you know you should be studying, tell them you’re busy – and let them know when would be a better time. In short: learn to say no when you know you really should.

4. Stay focused on your priorities
Self-help is the key here. No one else is going to stop you from doing what you want, but you’re the one who will face the consequences if you fail to meet your targets. Remember you are at university for a reason, and if that reason is lost nothing else will fit well in the equation.

What I do to stay focused is keep a diary with me. I have written all my study goals and priorities in it and when I have spare time (while waiting for the train or travelling and before going to bed) I take a thorough look at them. You could do the same, or even paste some posters on your room’s wall.

Follow these study tips and stay focused on your goals, and you should find you’re feeling more confident about your studies – as well as still being able to enjoy all the other aspects of student life.


How to Stop Feeling Homesick at University

Whether you’re studying abroad or within your own country but still away from home, there’s nothing fun about feeling homesick at university! But with a little effort, you should soon be back to enjoying your student experience.

Often the pressures of starting a new life in unfamiliar surroundings can feel too much. Being away from friends and family can be tough. But if you’re starting to spend a bit too much time pining for home, follow these five tips to get your homesickness under control.

1. Get out of your room

Let’s face it, there’s no point sitting in your room all day feeling sorry for yourself. In fact, this will only exaggerate your homesickness and loneliness, bringing you down further. University is packed with opportunities to try new things and meet new people – take up a sport, join student clubs and societies, find a part-time job, check out the campus social calendar. With all these new activities you won’t even have the time to think about missing home. Makes sense, right?

2. Keep a positive attitude

This is easier said than done, I know. But if you make the effort, it really is possible to maintain a positive attitude. Your homesickness at university isn’t going to get any better if you keep dwelling on the negatives – so keep reminding yourself of all the good things about being here. You could even write a list of positive things that happen each week: new things you’ve learned, new opportunities you’ve gained, new friends you’ve made. And even when you feel worst, make yourself smile – it really does help. Turn that frown upside down!

3. Stay healthy

Put down those comfort foods! It’s important to remember to stay healthy while you’re away from home. Not only will this make you feel a lot better in yourself, it will also help boost your energy levels and improve your concentration. Besides helping to beat homesickness at university, staying healthy will also help you to avoid other illnesses, such as fresher’s flu. Remember to eat well, get plenty of sleep, and regularly drink water.

4. Stay in touch with friends and family

Speaking to someone you feel close to can be an instant pick-me-up, so make sure you stay in touch with friends and family back home. Pick up the phone, use Skype or instant messaging, or even send letters and postcards. Don’t keep your homesickness at university a secret; sharing any problems will help you to start feeling better. But at the same time, don’t turn the conversation into an excuse to moan for an hour – remember to focus on the positives too!

5. Make use of student support services

If you’re really struggling with homesickness at university, don’t be afraid to make use of your medical universities student support services. Homesickness is completely normal, and universities are experienced in helping students settle in. Your university’s student support department may offer counselling services, student mentoring programs, or be able to offer suggestions on activities you could get involved with to start you feeling more at home.

Finally, remember that feeling homesick at university is a common experience – and one that you, like thousands of other students, will get through!


How to Get More From Your Internship Experience

So you’re thinking of becoming an intern? Smart move! Although all internships are different, it’s no secret that future employers are always keen to take on students with internship experience under their belts.

Not only does completing an internship show initiative, but it also indicates that if you’re hired, the Studying Abroad will be shorter. Thankfully, those horror stories you’ve heard about fetching coffee and running errands like a personal slave aren’t (all) true. Doing an internship can be an extremely valuable learning experience and you may even make some great friends along the way.


Here are 5 ways to make the most of your internship experience:

1. Look for opportunities to learn

While internship experience at a prestigious organization will always stand out on your CV, it’s also important to find an environment where you can effectively learn more about an industry or job you’re interested in. An internship at a relatively unknown company can be just as worthwhile if you’re given opportunities to learn about and actively engage in their trade.

Unfortunately, not every internship will provide both of these benefits, but if an internship fails to fulfill either purpose, remember that you have the freedom to look elsewhere.

2. Talk to other interns

An excellent way to find out more about an internship is to talk with past or current interns. This will help you gain more of an insight into the way the company is run and what it’s like to work there. Some really good and worthwhile questions may include asking how the internship has helped them develop professionally, and whether or not the internship met their initial expectations.

3. Have an internship plan

Once you find a place, make sure you have an internship plan. Think about what you want to get out of this internship experience, and how you can achieve that. Try to position yourself close to those whose knowledge and influence provides you with the greatest benefits. Spend some time listening to managers and co-workers describing the structure and environment of the firm. It’s worth the effort to find someone with strong connections both inside and outside the organization who can serve as your mentor.

4. Use your time effectively

If you are in a position to select tasks and projects yourself, exercise that choice with care. You should give preference to projects that are important and visible within the company, especially if your aim is to gain a permanent position. You don’t want to spend weeks or months working for a company only to find no one knows who you are or what you did when it comes to apply for a full-time job – make sure you make a mark and become a valued member of the team!

5. Don’t be afraid to give feedback

Providing constructive feedback without seeming rude or ungrateful can ensure that you get the most out of your time. It is also useful to learn how to express dissatisfaction and make suggestions diplomatically. By being clear up-front about your expectations and continuing to give feedback, you can also help your supervisor to grow as a manager, and to be more effective. And that’s a good thing for you too.


Online Education Choice

Online education is a perfect way for busy working adults, parents as well as other people leading busy life to fit their education targets into their hectic lifestyle. Distance studies is essentially online college, so you can get the degree taking 100% of the courses on the Internet.

Accredited online education colleges and universities are growing more common. In the current world, in case you missed out on attending college after high school, options are it’s tough to find enough time to go to a customary university or college. This is more true when you have kids, or have begun in your selected career.


Another sort of people that may find online eduction to be a perfect choice is those having college degrees, working in their selected career, though need to have an advanced degree in order to promote in that area. Usually, in case you’re in this case, it’s impossible to just quit the job and attend college full time. Actually, attending school on the Interenet and getting an online education degree for the MBA or masters is a good way to balance the necessity to keep your present job, when improving the resume to help get a higher paying or better position.

In fact, there are lots of distance learning universities and colleges, and you are able to find one suiting your needs by means of researching. Also, there are many specialty colleges, online education colleges for marketing, business, nursing and others. Besides, you can get your Masters, Bachelor, or MBA degrees via distance learning colleges and universities.

In case you have been wishing to return to college, but thought it was not possible because of your heavy life schedule, online education could be what you have to make it possible.
When distance education is a nice choice to customary colleges and universities, it is not an alternative for everyone. For many people, the work is much more difficult because you should be a starter, and be capable to complete your tasks.
